Technical Prototypes

What is a technical prototype?

A technical prototype should identify and test the core functionality of your project.  This means building something (rough!).  The goal is to get something basic working, testing the technology or technique you intend to use for the final version of your project.

The purpose of the technical prototype is to figure out how you are going to build the final version – so you are experimenting and testing your assumptions.

A technical prototype does not need to be beautiful, or simulate a full user experience.  It is about making something work.

For Nov. 14:

  • Build a technical prototype of your project, documenting your process, materials, and results.
  • Share it on the blog under Projects > Technical Prototypes.
  • Your blog post should describe how you built the prototype, clearly stating the technology or techniques used.  Note the key challenges you encountered, and explain what you learned from the prototyping.

If you would like to share your source files (code or source materials, etc.), we encourage you to share them publicly on GitHub, the central repository of open-source projects on the internet.  If you have any questions about GitHub and open-source projects, feel free to e-mail Tyler for help!