December 08, 2018
Climate Control

Brief: Gather research material, generate insights. Switch insights with another group; process received insights. Generate a project related to prompts and insights received. We first received a lot of literature on how religious fanatics disregard climate change and their stand on it. We also received some evangelical literature that hammered down the point. We speculated on the spiritual and religious aspects of ...
October 30, 2018
AR resources
October 04, 2018
Bending The Everyday – Alya & Pratheek

Brief : Pick an object, 3d scan it, modify it so that it's meaning changes. Use projection mapping to project the edits on the object to form a cohesive narrative. OBJECT A showpiece. A broken porcelain phrenology head. 3D SCAN INSPIRATION The inspiration for the further stages of the project were the disappearing ice caves of the Mendenhall glacier. There exists a type of tourism which solely focuses on ...
September 17, 2018
3D Objects and Environment Scanning

Tutorials PDF walkthrough of Agisoft PhotoScan Process Tutorial on how to manipulate a 3D scan in MeshMixer and Unity: Panoramic Image Stitching and Editing in Photoshop tutorial Software Photogrammetry Software *Agisoft Photoscan* - 30 day free trial license, or educational license $59 3D Zephyr Free - Better, free version available, but Windows only 3D Object Modeling / Manipulation ...
August 27, 2018

Collab: Occupy Earth Parsons School of Design - PSAM 5550C, Fall 2018 Melanie Crean Tyler Henry Tuesdays, 12:10 pm - 2:50 pm; 6 East 16th Street 903 Dates: 8/28/2018 - 12/4/2018 Course description In the Occupy Earth collaborative studio, we will create works of “mixed reality,” constructing new forms of virtual and physical hybrids to explore polarized discussion of ...
February 06, 2018
Occupy Earth Parsons + U Aalto Presentation

On Sunday February 25, from 3:30 - 5:00 pm at Kellen Auditorium, 66 5th Ave room N101, students from Parsons MFA Design and Technology program, along with students from Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture in Helsinki, will present mixed reality works resulting from the fall 2017 studio concerning the illusion of control and environmental disruption. In the fall 2017 studio entitled Occupy Earth, ...